30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Softwareimplementierung

Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen, die Wert und Qualität garantieren

Langjährige Erfahrung garantiert Wert und Qualität für unsere Kunden, denen wir umfassende Unterstützung gemäß den spezifischen Anforderungen Ihres Geschäfts bieten können.

Wir sind stolz auf unsere Arbeit
Einige Beispiele für erfolgreiche Projekte an denen wir gearbeitet haben

All-in-One Integration

Alle unsere Lösungen sind so konzipiert, dass sie sich problemlos in Ihre vorhandenen Systeme integrieren lassen, sodass sie ein vollständig integriertes IT-System bilden.

mOperations has been a game-changer for Lošinj Hotels & Villas, significantly improving our operational efficiency. With smoother communication and better task management, we're delivering top-notch service to our guests. It's become our secret weapon in providing exceptional hospitality experiences.
Snježana Baljak
Room Division Manager, Lošinj Hotels & Villas
In the first season alone, mOperations significantly improved efficiency in every department, resulting in lower expenses.
Ivica Max Krizmanic
General Manager, Esplanade Zagreb Hotel
Valamar has been using mHACCP, and we're satisfied with the efficiency it brings to our operations. It simplifies compliance management and ensures we maintain top-notch standards effortlessly.
Samra Ljubunčić
Sustainability manager, Valamar Riviera
CeNar's software optimizes procurement, costs savings, and simplifies administration. Highly recommended for efficient order management!
Filip Granić
Procurement Manager, Bluesun Hotels & Resorts
wOrders transformed our procurement at Bluesun hotels & Resorts. It improved our processes, offering transparency, flexibility, and cost control. With features like transparent cost tracking and contract tracking, this software a game-changer for us.
Filip Granić
Procurement Manager, Bluesun Hotels & Resorts
Expert team, great innovations, simplicity and quick implementation. It is a company that definitely sets new trends and we are delighted to work with them.
Duje Božiković
director of hotel operations, Le Meridien Lav
Implementation, configuration and key users training are well done. Simple and fast, with no stress. Definitely with Sekom solution we have an excellent tool to improve our business in health and safety but also in other areas of quality.
Mladen Zupa
Head of Health and Safety at Work, Coca Cola HBC
As a big hotel group it was really challenging to optimally plan working hours. Using wPlanning application that process is substantially simplified and structured. Already in first season we noticed increase of efficiency in every department that resulted in lower expenses. Automaticly created reports allowed tracking of plan realisation.
Josip Rikić
Director of Hotel Operations, Bluesun Hotels & Resorts
mHaccp offers a powerful suite of tools that every food and beverage team must have. This digital solutions is enabling us to better manage entire process of safe handling, preparing and serving of food and beverage to our guest, ensuring full compliance with International Quality Standards. We love the approachable app format with interactive solutions, notification system, automatically assigned tasks and very detailed analysis and reporting which makes this system unique on the market.
Zoran Škorić
Operations Manager, Falkensteiner
mHACCP has enabled us to secure that the HACCP quality standards were performed in real time. Simple, fast, easy to implement, cloud based, definitely future in the food industry and we are happy to be part of that.
Igor Runtas
CEO, Igomat
Plava Laguna uses mGuest and mOperations solutions for managing hotel operations and guest requests. Application has proven to be exceptionaly usefull tool. It brings efficency in everyday tasks (housekeeping, maintenance…), it allows managing guest requests, where guests can make requests via mGuest application and staff via mobile devices or computer.
Eva de Zan Prusina
Head of public relation office, Plava laguna
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